A Miami native, Martique Lorray harbors “a great curiosity for the human drama,” especially that of Charlotteans. Inspired by Charlotte’s history and burgeoning status as a melting pot of sorts, Lorray has commissioned a permanent installation, the “Migration Milepost,” topped with a weathervane, at Windsor Park Elementary directly influenced by the distinct number of family origins at the school.
A self-taught artist who also gives a nod to the direction her colleagues have provided, Lorray craves chaos in her work. She strives to reach a place where she can “push concepts further, [with] less structure” and explore questions that press her, such as the concept of “home,” and why humans develop deep attachments to certain places.
Lorray finds the current Charlotte scene inspiring and exciting. “I feel the residents have a strong desire to be affected by art and to interact with unique artistic elements within their daily lives,” she says. She is also encouraged by what she finds to be immense support, encouragement and enthusiasm on behalf of the city and Arts and Science Council of Charlotte.
Lorray has been in the art world since 1997 and described her art as “surreal, allegorical, earthy and haunting,” but consistently finds new life for her pieces by exploring the human condition.
Email Martique at Martique@centaurarts.com