Just as the New Year holiday does in each of our minds, this edition of the magazine looms particularly large.
There’s just something a bit daunting about the January issue for us… It’s the first chance to talk about a new year, to sift through ponderences on the days past and to guess at the future. Time rushes us by, it seems, and with 2017 gone, we’re left thinking about how to best embark upon the next 365.
The questions that are predictably present with this issue are myriad, but above all, we find ourselves asking how to start the slate afresh in the very best way we can.
Looking back, here’s what’s clear: Charlotte boomed this past year, and we were simply thrilled to watch. Together, we traveled wide and far, talked with some of the biggest talents and brightest minds, and welcomed newcomers to the scene, from Dot Dot Dot to Hello Sailor to the Kimpton Tryon Park Hotel. The 2018 horizon, too, looks just as promising for our Queen City.
But rather than reflect on what happened, or to try to speculate all that’s approaching, the thing we kept coming back to, again and again for this January issue, was the notion of resolutions.
Resolving—to do, to change, to act, to think, to be—is integrally tied to all of the talk that swirls around New Year’s in part because it affords us a mode in which to navigate the future. It’s a way to compartmentalize the year into the “we will,” “we should,” and “wouldn’t it be better if…” Somehow, it all seems a bit more manageable this way.
We’re also intrigued by resolutions because, though they can appear deeply personal, they’re also predictably universal. In many ways, across the lines that divide and define us, each one of us seeks to make our lives richer in what shakes out as similar ways.
So, we came up with six different ways for you, and us, to traverse 2018. These are a collection of suggestions, personal experiences, contemplations, and above all, a sort of a guide to simplify this big, looming, formidable notion of an impending new year. We hope you will find at least one of these that speaks to you and will allow you to experience your life in this city we love in a fresh way. We recommend making space for clearing your head, diving into the health and wellness world (or dipping in a toe), living it up a little with luxurious self-care, immersing yourself in local culture, and making a concerted effort to embrace new experiences.
Stay tuned all this week for the resolutions.