With a gallery spanning Charlotte’s city streets (and beyond), ArtPop Street Gallery has brought the work of local artists to the attention of our town as well as united the Queen City community through an artful urban landscape.
Through a grand collaboration with outdoor advertising companies, founder Wendy Hickey and ArtPop are on a mission to provide local creators a canvas of unprecedented scale, by turning highways, airports, and thoroughfares across the nation into cultivators for public expression and discovery.
Between budget cuts and mass digitization, access to and support for local art is growing scarce; yet, ArtPop represents a grassroots artistic liberation of sorts – a cultivator of curiosity, community, and commitment to artistry emerging from our very city streets.
For five years, ArtPop artists have been getting the exposure they truly deserve on billboards across the city, and we are excited to announce that this wonderful street gallery continues. We would like to introduce to you the sixth class of Charlotte artists selected to be ArtPop artists: the class of 2019. These talented artists include sixteen new ArtPop artists and several “two timers” who were re-eligible for inclusion including the likes of Ashley Knight and Tina Alberni (class of 2014), and Ladianne Henderson and Arthur Brouthers (class of 2015). Hickey is also proud to announce the inclusion of ArtPop’s first ever Senior High School Student Award in the #ArtPopCLT program. The award will go to Hannah Bauerle, who along with being featured on a billboard in Charlotte will also receive a $500 scholarship.
A special thanks goes out to the ArtPop Street Gallery family for beautifying our streets for another year and emphasizing the value of public art, for Charlotteans and visitors alike. So, without further ado we’d like to announce the selected artists.
Raj Kumar
Ashley Knight
@ashknight1111 | ashknight.com
Randy Dean
@randyleibowitzdean_art | randysartstudio.com
Verna Witt
Hamilton Ward
@civilward | hamiltonyoungward.
Rae Stark
@rae.stark.ceramics | raestarkceramics.com
Hannah Bauerle
Bre Crowell
@brebarnettcrowell | brevardfineart.com
Ladianne Henderson
Emily Berger
@roguewoodwork | roguewoodwork.net
Susan Lawson
@susanlawsonart | susanlawsonart.com
Tina Alberni
@tinas_art_beat | colordesignstudio.
Barrington Steed
@barringtonsteed | barringtonsteed.com
Stephen Wilson
@stephenwilsonstudio | stephenwilsonstudio.com
Justin Driscoll
@jdriscollphoto | justindphotos.com
Lori Love
Cass Bradley
@blueskyphotoartists | cassbradley.com
Irisol Gonzalez
@irisolgonzalezart | irisolgonzalez.com
Marvin Espy
@artbyespy | marvinespy.wixsite.com/website
Arthur Brouthers
@arthurbros | arthurbrouthers.com