The Pastoral Symphony
If you hear a solitary melody floating through the air on Friday, April 17th at 3 p.m., you may be hearing one of the musicians of the Charlotte Symphony performing their part of the legendary Pastoral Symphony.
The musicians will play the fifth movement of Beethoven’s masterpiece. And they will do it at the same time. But all apart from one another — whether standing on a sidewalk in front of their home in South End, from their porch in NoDa, or at their kitchen table with the window open — and without hearing each other.

The Importance Of Seperateness
Many symphonies around the world are recording themselves separately and piecing together their individual parts. However, none have so poignantly emphasized the separateness that is crucial to both the inner-workings of an orchestra and, at this very moment, the health of our communities. “A Symphony A Part” highlights the importance of sheltering in place. It also illustrates how music can offer resistance to fear. It demonstrates the musicians’ commitment and gratitude towards the Charlotte Symphony and their communities.
Why They Chose The Fifth Movement
The musicians chose the fifth movement of Beethoven’s Pastoral because it promises beauty and celebration after the storm. Videos of the individual performances will be available at You can also see them at #CSOatHome, and on April 20.
Catch this unique event throughout Charlotte and the surrounding area, but CSO asks that only enjoy this unique event maintaining proper distancing and avoiding any grouping — separately, but together.
About Charlotte Symphony
Founded in 1932, and led by internationally renowned Music Director Christopher Warren-Green, the Charlotte Symphony is the largest arts employer in the region. They have employed 58 professional full-time orchestra musicians. They also have served two diverse youth orchestras, and offered significant educational programming. This programming is aimed at improving areas of our community with the greatest need. Today, they continue as a 21st-century orchestra, responsive to and engaged in the narrative of the Charlotte community.