The next installment in Claudia’s Christmas dinner is the “veggie loveliness” of Jessie Brown’s Cole Slaw, sure to delight at the dinner table year-round.
The Veggies
1 lb Head of Cabbage
½ each Bell Peppers (all colors)
1 Small Vidalia Onion
6 Pickling Cucumbers (julienned)
12 Tiny Tim tomatoes
The Dressing
½ cup Olive Oil
2 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar
2 TBSP Lime Juice
1/8 tsp Garlic Powder
1/8 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp Fresh, Cracked Pepper
1 TBSP Honey
1 TBSP Dried Parsley
Use a mandolin slicer or extreme patience and a sharp knife to thinly slice the cabbage, onion and bell peppers. The result is a light and fluffy pile of veggie loveliness. Constantly will the oil while adding the vinegar, lime juice and honey. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour over the veggie loveliness and toss. Enjoy the freshness of the vegetables with light tanginess of the dressing. It may just become your favorite cole slaw recipe.