For the cigar enthusiasts, the notion of finding places to unwind, recline and engage in a mature smoker-friendly atmosphere is almost ancient. Except these establishments do exist, one of which sits comfortably inside the street level entrance of Uptown Charlotte’s famed Epicentre.
Creatively focused on accommodating lovers of great cigars, Tailored Smoke Cigar Lounge does just that with its petite outdoor social space. The walk-up style smoker’s lounge features a pair of lush sofas for relaxation, a flat screen television for entertainment, patio flame heaters for the cooler seasons and a product wall offering a medley of cigar brands and accessories for purchase.
Wondering what people do here? Step inside the parlor-sized oasis and the energy shifts from that of the excitement thriving in and around the Epicentre. There’s an ambiance created with soft salsa via the overhead system providing the soundtrack accompanied by aromas of fine cigar brands that fill the air with delicacy. The vibe is chill and patrons are relaxed, socializing about whatever comes to mind while indulging the cigar of choice.
This innovative concept serves as your one stop shop for over 35 rich domestic and premium international brands including Luj, Drew Estate, Casa Magna, The Oliva Series, Diamond Crown and Acid; a traditional blend of uniquely infused products. Quesada Cigars, its trendiest seller, is manufactured at its home base of 40 years in the Dominican Republic by one of the industry’s greatest cigar makers, Manuel Quesada.
The man behind the brand himself has been a welcomed guest to the Queen City hosting several events at Tailored Smoke, where cigar lovers could partake in social sessions and ‘meet the cigar maker’. The cigar lounge has been consistent with curating ideas that engage the informal network of cigar enthusiasts that has evolved here in Charlotte: from sports, tailgating and card game socials the sophisticated way to cigar etiquette seminars, pop-up lounges and customizable humidors. Since its inception, the brand’s priority has been to make the cigar lifestyle more accessible on the go and further ‘tailor’ the individual experience of each customer.
To Get Tailored: Visit | 210 East Trade Street | Thursday – Sunday | 4pm -Midnight