Part of a series with Bob Peters of The Punch Room, this cocktail is the perfect concoction for fall, from its vivid colors to its sweet yet spicy flavors. Smooth, luscious tones of the baked fig intertwine with peppery, sweet vanilla oak notes from the Buffalo Trace bourbon, just right for an Autumn evening out uptown or by the fire at home.
1/2 Slice of lemon
1/2 Baked Fig
1/2 oz of Port
2 oz of Buffalo Trace Bourbon
1/2 oz of Simple Syrup
Muddle a half slice of lemon and half of a baked fig in a shaker. Measure out half ounce of port, two ounces of Buffalo Trace Bourbon, and half ounce of Simple Syrup in jigger individually and pour into shaker. Shake vigorously then double strain through a four prong bar strainer. Pour into a Nick and Nora cocktail glass. With a metal cocktail pick, pierce one half of the baked fig till at the center of the pick. Then rest the pick on the rim of the glass and serve!
For more libation ideas, follow Bob Peters on Instagram @bob_peters or @thepunchroom.