The New Gallery of Modern Art is introducing the work of Marcus Kenney and Phyllis Galembo to the Charlotte audience this autumn.
The exhibit, As It Was, will feature Marcus’ assemblages and collages created over the last few years. Working in many mediums including collage, sculpture, paint, photography, and installation, he credits his aesthetic development to his hero, Robert Rauschenberg. The opening reception with the artist Friday, October 20, 2017, 5-7 pm and the gallery conversation with the Artist will be held Saturday, October 21, 2017, 11 am-12:30 pm.

Originally from rural Louisiana, Marcus has lived in Savannah, Georgia for the last 15 years, and he earned a MFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 1998.
New Gallery will also host artist Phyllis Galembo. Using a direct, unaffected portrait style, she captures her subjects informally posed and strikingly attired in ritualistic dress. The photographs shown here are a small sampling of the raw portraits Phyllis took at important cultural and religious events throughout Mexico between 2008 and 2017. During religious holidays such as Semana Santa, Easter Week, Corpus Christi, and the Virgin of Guadalupe, families throughout Mexico participate in masquerade events.
The New Gallery of Modern Art is delighted to present a sampling of Phyllis’ Mexico series as part of In Focus/Enfoque: Contemporary Photography in Mexico, an ambitious multi-institution exhibition of contemporary Mexican photography taking place throughout Charlotte, August 2017 through Spring 2018, to promote greater cultural dialogue and understanding. The reception with the artist will be held Friday, November 17 from 5-7 pm.Galembo has enjoyed a thirty-year career in photography, exhibiting, and teaching internationally. She was born in New York and lives in New York City. She graduated with a Master of Fine Arts from University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1977 and has been a professor in the Fine Arts Department of SUNY Albany since 1978.
To find out more about attending both exhibits, visit