Owned and operated by Tiffany Mielnik Parrish, Selenite Beauty focuses on educating and uplifting their customers when it comes to conversations about beauty and wellness.
Beauty and wellness are words branded across thousands of businesses and store shelves. With so many mixed messages about both, it’s not always easy to sort out which products and people are truly trying to help their customers and which are just selling a false image. Selenite Beauty aims to change that. That all starts with selling clean beauty products without harsh chemicals.
“The Environmental Working Group estimates that each day, American women use an average of 12 personal care products containing 126 different chemicals” explains Mielnik Parrish. American men use an average of six personal care products daily containing 85 different chemicals. That’s a lot of chemicals our bodies are trying to process, and it can impact our health!”
It’s an outcry most are familiar with by now: that all those chemicals can’t be good for the body. Still, it’s also an outcry that’s easy to ignore for many who have been using unnatural chemical-heavy products since childhood. That’s why Mielnik Parrish doesn’t shy away from sharing her own story. After battling chronic pain and misdiagnoses since childhood, Mielnik Parrish began shifting her view of wellness. Maybe it was less about targeting painful symptoms and more about priming her body to handle them for her. She began by looking into functional nutrition, which led her to look into household and beauty products with chemicals that could cause harm over time.
Positivity and Powerful Products
Selenite Beauty was created with the goal of promoting positivity. They also provide safe, effective alternatives to the harsh products on most store shelves. Shoppers can find a wide range of carefully curated items, including skincare products, cosmetic accessories, hair products, and wellness supplements. Struggling with acne? An active enzyme exfoliator might help. Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Aromatherapy might be the answer. Selenite Beauty even offers gift sets, so customers can share the products they love with the people they love.
Everything in their boutique is thoroughly vetted and researched. The staff is trained to break down a product’s ingredients list and pinpoint harmful elements. In doing so, Mielnik Parrish has also created a safe space for those wishing to explore their own ideas of beauty and build a nontoxic lifestyle.
“My hope is that Selenite Beauty can become a community for people to learn and exchange ideas,” says Mielnik Parrish. “To be a place for people to come together on their journey to a better, healthier life. Whether that journey is only beginning or is years in the making, every customer who shops with us will leave with a positive change.”
Mielnik Parrish plans to keep Selenite Beauty active in the South End community by hosting product demonstrations, wellness workshops, and even author visits.