Urban farming has picked up steam in the last few decades as more people flock to densely populated cities and a growing awareness about environmentally conscious lifestyles has permeated popular culture. When it comes to Urban Farming, Charlotte NC has a ton of resources and stores to help you get started.
What it is is fairly straightforward: Urban farming, or urban gardening, is the practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food and plants in or around urban areas. The practice can reduce transportation costs, help reduce runoff associated with heavy rainfall, and lead to better air quality.
Charlotte is an excellent place to implement some of these techniques because our temperatures and rainfall allow for year-round gardening. Here’s how to get started:
Local Urban Farming Resources
Crown Town Compost and Crown Town Landscapes are great places to start. Instead of sending food waste to landfills, Crown Town works with local compost facility to turn it into nutrient-rich soil. Composting diverts food waste from going to the landfill and creates a nutrient-rich resource for growing plants. From there, the enriched soil helps retain moisture and suppresses plant diseases and pests, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. Crown Town Compost offers residential pickup, community drop off, and commercial composting.

Relatedly, Crown Town Landscapes‘ lawn care and landscaping services feature all-electric, quiet equipment, chemical free care, and a focus on native, productive plant species when you’re ready to move beyond grass. They help to design beautiful backyards in a sustainable way.
Where To Shop For Urban Farming Charlotte NC Resources
Once you’re ready to start your little backyard urban oasis, Blackhawk Hardware is one of our favorite resources. Their experts help with everything from selecting plant varietals to continued care. They are a great resource for any plant or yard-related questions and for easy gardening tips for beginners.
We also like Paradiso, an Atlanta-based popup at Optimist Hall that offers beginner-friendly plants, terrariums, gardening books, and planters. PlantHouse and Grow are other great shops in the Charlotte area featuring a wide variety of indoor and outdoor plants.

Charlotte Garden Design
Myron Greer is another leading expert when it comes to garden design in Charlotte: As a part of the greater Charlotte community since 2002, Myron Greer Garden Design is at the forefront of crafting expertly designed, gorgeous, personalized outdoor spaces. Myron himself has always had a strong passion for landscapes: His parents were gardeners and he worked at a young age on his grandparents’ farm.